Monday, April 17, 2006

SRVI1 underwater BIC has failed

Note that recent data indicates that the Underwater BIC at St. Croix has failed. The (corrupted) transmissions resumed from SRVI1 on Saturday, April 1st, following Dave Ward's replacement of the satellite antenna and transmitter. There followed a total of 7 "good" reports from the Underwater BIC over a period of 27 hours (all other transmissions did not make it through). Then Sunday afternoon, the following day, we received a BIC report with only 71 readings in the hour instead of the usual 120 readings. The next time the station talks to us (11PM), the Underwater BIC has gone silent. The full timeline (times in EDT) is:

Sat Apr 1, 2 pm : SRVI1 resumes (corrupted) transmissions

Sat Apr 1, 7 pm -
Sun Apr 2, 12 pm : we receive 7 full measurement counts from the
underwater BIC in this period (120 counts)

Sun Apr 2, 4 pm : underwater BIC reports only 71 counts

Sun Apr 2, 11 pm : underwater BIC starts reporting 0 counts

With SRVI1, the problem could be any number of things but probably it's either a cable failure or one of the wiring connections pulled loose in the datalogger box. My feeling is that it's unlikely to be an instrument failure. Recall that the underwater instruments at SRVI1 are connected by cables zip-tied down the outside of the stick and this has proven to be an extremely unreliable workaround for the failure of the internal cable bundles.

-- Mike J+

Saturday, April 01, 2006


The instruments were cleaned. The basket was lowered, the transmitter and antenna were replaced. A loose antenna connection was found. All other equipment appeared to be operating normally. The team removed the ground-truthing C.T.