On Friday, March 3rd, I made an inspection of the pylon at Salt River and made the following observations. The pylon was visually inspected both above and below the water. All underwter instruments and cables appeared to be in tact with no apparent damage. The antenna and tower were also in good condition. I cleaned the light sensor as well.
After the inspection, we were about two miles off shore, between the pylon and Christiansted harbor when we sighted the tremendous splash of water from a Humpback whale breechng the water. The whale made a surface dive and we observed the fluke rise out of the water. The whale then rolled on it's back and waved it's pectoral fins back and forth above the surface. It was quite a display.
After trying to take multiple photographs of the incident with my cell phone, I realized that in my great excitement, I was pushing the wrong button. Therefore, no photo evidence of the event.
Signing for David (Sue)